Another one of the ladies in our family has had a birthday. It was my mother in law, a woman with particular tastes and the means and inclination to get what she wants and needs. Needless to say, I had to put on my thinking cap to come up with something that would be luxurious and within my means to make as I've been short on time lately. Between my husband and I, we came up with making a scarf as the mother in law is often seen wearing one. My husband chose the yarn (Stitch n Bitch Nations Bamboo Ewe in Eucalyptus) and I chose a classic "granny square" design with a short fringe.
Lily, our 4 year old, named it The Sea Side Scarf because Dum, as we call my MIL, lives by the beach and the colour of the yarn is like the ocean. Good name, I thought! Here is the scarf all rolled up and ready to be wrapped.

And Lily couldn't let it go without modelling the scarf for everyone to see.
My Ravelry post about this scarf is here.